We would like to inform our audience that, concerned about their safety, due to the epidemiological situation in our country some changes have been introduced in the traditional Poznan Philharmonic’s New Year’s Eve Gala including surprises. The New Year’s Eve Concert including surprises will start at 7 pm and will not last longer than 9 pm.
Therefore the prices of the tickets to that event have changed – the tickets in the VIP zone cost 200 PLN, in the first zone – 175 PLN and in the second zone – 150 PLN.
Those who have purchased the tickets in the more expensive price can return them in the Poznan Philharmonic ticket office (Monday to Friday from 1 pm to 5 pm, phone number: 61 853 69 35) and via bilety24 (if purchased by internet) and then buy them in the lower price (mentioned above).
We warmly invite you to spend the last evening of year 2021 together with music.