We would like to inform you that due to the pandemic situation and the lack of official information whether after the 27th of December cultural institutions will be open for the public, Poznan Philharmonic takes only reservations for the tickets for the traditional New Year’s Eve Concert.
You can book the tickets by e-mail (sent to one of the following addresses: rezerwacje@filharmoniapoznanska.pl; kasa@filharmoniapoznanska.pl, sekretariat@filharmoniapoznanska.pl) or by phone: +48 61 853 69 35, +48 660 405 813 (from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.).
We will inform you whether the New Year’s Eve Concert is held with audience participation right after the government decisions are known.
We encourage you to follow the news on our website and on Facebook, and every Friday at 7 p.m. we invite you to our Internet Concerts.