Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for being with us. We cannot meet you at the concerts in the AMU Concert Hall, but knowing how important the contact with art is to you, we keep preparing online music meetings.
Thank you for appreciating our efforts. Thank you for the e-mails and phone calls, for taking an interest in our actions in these difficult times, for the acknowledgements and the willingness to financially support our work, expressed by many of you.
We would like to thank every person who is willing to support us with any amount of many – every zloty counts.
The donations can be paid to the account of our institution:
Filharmonia Poznańska
ul. Święty Marcin 81
61-808 Poznań
account number: 90 1090 1359 0000 0000 3501 8949
The message accompanying the transfer should say: Darowizna – wsparcie dla Filharmonii Poznańskiej.